Back to School?

The main theme of Scarves and More is to provide choirs and choruses a wardrobe option which is uniform and inexpensive. In 2020, there seem to be no choirs, no choruses, no productions. What are we to do? Well, after much thought, prayer, and deliberation, there is only one thing left: I am going to better myself. If you know anything about Scarves and More, you know it is owned and operated solely by a very focused woman who has adopted seven children/young adults, and the journey has been awesome and challenging! So as the owner who has time on my hands now that those adoptees are all adults, I am going to go back to school to earn my MSW, which will take 5 more years, and then work in the field of healing trauma from early childhood and other situations. This will be a very expensive and exhausting journey, and every penny from scarf sales will support this new endeavor.

God bless you all as you consider your purchases at

Suzi Penick